A to Z of Sustainability: Part 2
F for Fast Fashion-
A term used by fashion retailers to describe inexpensive designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends.
Fast Fashion (Includes)
- Trend Replication
- Rapid Production (Sometimes an entire line is created within a week)
- Low Quality (Think flimsy Forever 21 tops)
- Competitive Pricing
- Poor Working Conditions & Unfair Wages
- Fashion at the cost of the environment
- Would you still endorse it?
G for Green Washing-
The process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company’s products are more environmentally sound than they really are!
Here’s a classic greenwashing example:
Many of you must be aware of H&M’s Green Garment Collection Program. For those of you who are not, H&M runs a cloth collection program, where you give them a bag full of discarded, old clothes and they claim to recycle it.
Well, the problem doesn’t lie in H&M’s classic reuse, recycle approach, but the fact that fast-fashion brands are themselves a part of the problem.
You drop a bag of old clothes at your nearest store, get a coupon, shop some more and now you have more clothes and the cycle goes on and on and on. There is no end.
H for Hand Crafted-
An article or product made skilfully by hand.
Also known as the labour of love by the ‘hands that make’.
I for Innovation-
The application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.
Innovation (in sustainability) is the need of the hour.
- Be it creating newer environment friendly fabrics (Eg- soy, hemp, banana etc)
- Or alternatives for making ethical products (vegan leather made of cactus)
- Or creating products that reduce our dependency on harmful chemicals and materials ( Pressed toothpaste tablets by Bite)
- Every small step leads to a bigger step to the goal.
Innovate. Create. Sustain.
To be continued...