5 Easy Ways You Can Start Making A Difference, Starting From Today!

by Shuffling Suitcases on January 23, 2021

As goes the saying, "little drops of water, make the mighty ocean", in the same way, each step taken by all of us in the direction, contributes to the greater cause of a happy, healthy planet and sustainable living. Here are 5 easy ways you can start making a difference, starting from today!


1. Start cooking at home, order in less!

You get healthy, home cooked food and help reduce the usage of plastic for packaging. Not to forget the amount of money you'll be saving by cooking food at home.


2. Use refillable metal bottles.

We don’t really think you need an explanation/ reason for this!


3. Buy groceries and greens locally!

Supermarket produce is packed in tonnes of single use plastic that is one of the main reasons for the plastic havoc.


4. Carry your own cloth bags wherever you go!

Cloth bags by now, are the most basic step you could take towards achieving a sustainable lifestyle. Say no to paper bags too. Millions of trees are cut down every year to run the paper industry.


5. Avoid paper towels in the kitchen or wherever!

Millions of trees are cut down every year for the paper industry. Instead, try using cloth dusters. They are reusable and can be washed.